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8200 W. Central Ave, Suite 1, Wichita, KS 67212
West Wichita
Family Physicians, P.A.
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Nuclear medicine tests are used to provide detailed pictures of certain activities happening inside the body. They are referred to as “Nuclear Medicine” since all of the testing is done with a very small amount of radioactive substance. Often times the radioactive substance is injected via an intravenous (IV) line. The radioactive substance, called radiotracers, is used as it sends signals (gamma rays), that the nuclear medicine camera picks up to generate the images. Overall, the total radiation dose received from this type of testing is similar to a standard X-ray or CT scan.
ENDOSCOPYAn upper endoscopy (EGD) and Colonoscopy are performed to examine and treat symptoms related to the digestive system as well as screen for cancer. Biopsies may be taken during the procedure, dilation of a narrowing, treatment for bleeding, and removal of polyps. Certain gastrointestinal diseases require monitoring which is also conducted with these procedures.
What is being web-enabled?When a patient is web-enabled, it allows them to access their medical record information via the patient portal (a web page) or through the Healow app (for tablets/phones/smart devices). This allows them access to additional features like requesting appointments, cancellations, messaging with the physician/nurse team and other features. More information can be found on the patient portal page To get web-enabled, you must be a patient with West Wichita Family Physicians, and you can set yourself up on the patient portal page by clicking here If you are already web-enabled, but have forgotten your password, you can request a password reset email by clicking here
PAIN MANAGEMENTTreatment of conditions such as back pain, neck pain, and extremity pain are provided by specialized physicians in collaboration with the patient's referring provider to maintain a multidisciplinary approach.
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