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COVID-19 Update

Updated: Nov 12, 2020

In the midst of the growing Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic, we at WWFP want to assure our patients that their safety and wellness is our first concern.  We have implemented some changes to help meet your medical needs while keeping you safe and “socially distanced”.

Nurse Triage / Covid-19 Evaluation and Testing

As a community health initiative, we will continue to ask screening questions to all patients either calling in or coming into the office. Questions will include travel history, possible exposure to Covid-19 and current symptoms.  Any patients that meet any level of concern will be transferred to our nurse triage line. Patients meeting criteria for possible testing of Covid-19 will be directed to our West Wichita Family Minor Care entrance for evaluation and testing. The Minor Care Clinic will be securely closed off from the rest of the office. Our goal is to minimize any exposure to the Covid-19 virus to help you feel comfortable being seen during this time.

COVID-19 Triage Line 316-358-6999

West Wichita Minor Care Clinic

During this time our West Wichita Minor Care Clinic will have limited hours of operation: Monday-Friday 8:00-5:00, Saturday 10am - 3 pm, and Sunday 12:00-3:00. Should you need medical assistance outside of these times, WWFP physicians are available through the Physician’s Exchange at 316-262-6262.


We understand that even with these precautions, there are situations and reasons why you may decide you still do not want to come into the office. For this we have implemented telemedicine. Telemedicine is a video appointment with your Physician via a computer or a smart phone to provide clinical services to patients without an in-person visit.  Most insurance companies are offering telemedicine coverage during the Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic without any copayment or fees to the patient.  Please let the scheduler know if you are interested in a telemedicine appointment, or contact your Physician/Nurse Team so they can determine if a telemedicine appointment is appropriate.  In some cases your doctor may direct you to come into the office for further evaluation.

Please practice social distancing when coming for your appointment at WWFP.  If possible, only one family member or significant other at all appointments. You may see our employees wearing masks. This is to protect both them and you from any additional exposure. We look forward to when we can show our smiling faces to you again.

While there are many unknowns in our world today, we would just like to reassure our patients that you remain our top priority. We are still available by phone or portal with any questions or concerns.

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